#SanctuaryHomes Update 1: Solidarity Everywhere
From our homes to the streets
Since we launched #SanctuaryHomes, the need for moral action that is grounded in our homes, neighborhoods and communities has become increasingly clear.

Just earlier today, New York campaign activists stood in solidarity with workers from Tom Cat Bakery who are at risk of losing their jobs, and fear imminent raids and deportations following a notification from Department of Homeland Security of an I-9 audit.
Every day there are more reasons for us to organize and come together with our neighbors to support families under attack right now. And every day, you are doing just that.
One month into the campaign, thousands of employers and our friends have signed the #SanctuaryHomes pledge and begun using our resources to bring the campaign into their homes and communities. We’ve been presenting at town hall meetings, tabling at rallies, and setting up house meetings.
Like many organizations and organizers, we’re learning, adapting and responding to meet the evolving needs of this moment. It’s been busy!
Connecting the dots on sanctuary
Earlier this month, we were proud to join hundreds of organizers and leaders from across the country at the Defy, Defend, Expand Sanctuary in Philadelphia. And we learned a huge amount from folks there who have been doing this work in their communities for years if not decades, like Ruben in Columbus who runs the Central Ohio Workers Center, and Alejandro in Austin, who shared with us details about the networks they’ve been building in which community members accompany families on their way to school and work.
We’ve also been connecting #SanctuaryHomes to major organizing efforts such as GetOrganized Brooklyn, and Bay Resistance in California.
And it was great to be have so many of you with us for the pilot #SanctuaryHomes webinar we launched on International Women’s Day. We spent that day sharing (via social media) the labor that the women in our homes and lives do, especially the work of professional domestic workers.
Now we’re rolling out a set of new resources to respond to the ideas, questions and needs you’ve been sharing with us.
Check them out, spread the word, and keep telling us what you need!
We’re creating resources as you need them
Organizing and education resources
Make sure you and your employee are prepared with What Can I Do? An Employer Checklist. Find this and other resources on the updated Act Locally to help you find more organizing support, include an organizing chart to help you build out your plans.
A new Fair Care webinar
A huge part of making your home a Sanctuary right now is providing ongoing economic security and creating a fair workplace. Sign up here for next week’s webinar to find out more.
Ways to tell our stories
We’ve added a “Stories” section to the site and we want to hear from you. How are you preparing your home? What conversations are you having? How are you showing up for your employee?
Stories can move others to action and make us feel part of a bigger movement. For workers, hearing these stories can be especially emboldening.
You don’t have to use real names — we’re interested in your experience.
Want to organize? Talk to an organizer
#SanctuaryHomes is more than a petition or a hashtag — we want to make sure each of you is able to take meaningful action where you live. Need more support or have questions us? Sign up here and we’ll connect you with an organizer.
We’re in this with you and we’ll keep doing what we can to provide you with the tools you need to make the most impact you can.
Remember, if you employ a domestic worker you have a lot of power to make a real difference right there in your home. Join our webinar on March 30th to learn more about putting solidarity into practice at home.