Back to School: What Nannies are Saying


White child with long blond hair/pigtails playing paddycake with black women with short hair and green shirt on playground

Just as parents and caregivers are negotiating unprecedented challenges this school year in the midst of COVID, nannies are also struggling with shifting working conditions and expectations by employers. In August, the National Domestic Workers Nanny Council met to discuss some of these crucial issues and larger trends, and Hand in Hand and NDWA New York hosted a conversation between employers and nannies to hear their experiences. Below are some of the takeaways from these conversations.

What Nannies Are Saying

Nannies alongside other domestic workers have been some of the hardest hit during the pandemic; many have lost their jobs and still remain out of work. Those who are employed, are reporting ongoing difficulties negotiating PPE and necessary modifications to their work routine due to COVID. While some nannies are being asked to support remote learning, the lowest-wage-earning nannies, many of whom are Black and Brown immigrant women, are not being offered these jobs. Many nannies are being asked to take on additional responsibilities, but not being offered additional pay. Nannies that are parents are struggling to balance work with caring for their own children.

Former teachers are also entering the nanny field, which could push long-time nannies out of the field and potentially drive wages down, since some teachers are reportedly willing to work for less. In instances where parents are forming pods, some nannies are expected to supervise groups of children without any additional orientation or training to adjust to these new working conditions. In other cases, nannies are reporting that employers are making demands of them that go beyond their work. For example, one nanny in New York reported that her employer has requested she not use public transportation on her days off as a condition of employment, and is asking her to limit her interactions with friends and family. In some cases, nannies report that employers are making these demands without holding themselves to the same standards.

In partnership with NDWA, Hand in Hand has developed Employer Guide: Nannies Supervising Online Distance Learning for guidance in working with a nanny to support your child’s learning at home.

Sign up here to receive more resources when they are available.



Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network

We are a national network of employers of nannies, house cleaners home attendants, and allies advocating for domestic workers rights.